Academic Degree

The joint CoDaS M.Sc. Programme follows the Bologna Agreement recommendations, namely:
– 2 years duration;
– 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits in total, with 60 ECTS/year;
– M.Sc. Thesis with 30 ECTS;
– common scientific areas in the degree structure during each year of the Programme.
Students completing the joint CoDaS M.Sc. Programme earn the degree Master of Engineering / Science.
The Partner Universities have signed Double Degree agreements, which means that the students completing the programme will obtain two diplomas: one from the home Partner University, where they have enrolled in the 1st year, and the other from the host Partner University, where they have performed the mobility in the 2nd year. Each Partner University will award graduated students with a Diploma from the M.Sc. recognised by the Double Degree agreements, together with the corresponding Certificate; in addition, each student will be also awarded a Supplement Certificate, signed by all Partners, establishing the Joint Unite! CoDaS Programme as the “European umbrella” for the degree.
At Técnico Lisboa (University of Lisbon), the degree is the Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with the Specialisation Area in Networks and Communication Systems (optional courses are taken from the Master in Data Science and Engineering).
Information about Double Degree programmes at Técnico Lisboa (University of Lisbon) can be found at the International Affairs Division website.